Meeting of foreign students with K. S. Dubrovin (Migration Department of Russian Federation in Udmurt Republic)

Meeting of foreign students with K. S. Dubrovin (Migration Department of Russian Federation in Udmurt Republic)On May, 21 the meeting of foreign students, studying in Kalashnikov ISTU, with a representative of Migration Department in Udmurt Repubic was hold.
Meeting of foreign students with K. S. Dubrovin (Migration Department of Russian Federation in Udmurt Republic)This is the first meeting with the representative of Migration Department and student-foreigners of our university, but, undoubtely, the meeting was useful and necessary: the number of students from various countries in technical university is growing every year (for example, 32 students from Egyptian-Russian University (Egypt, Cairo) trains currently in Kalashnikov ISTU).

Vice-rector for security of ISTU Aleksandr G. Lecomtcev introduced the guest, deputy head of the Federal Migration department in Udmurt Republic, Konstantin S. Dubrovin.
He answered the questions interesting to students: an order of migration registration, including the visit of other regions of Russia, an issue of visas, an order and possibility to obtain the Russian citizenship, rules of accomodation and temporary staying in Russia, etc. Also he explained the latest changes in migration legislation of Russia, for example, about the right of migration services to take actions to foreign citizens, who committed offenses against the public safety (crime, drinking an alcohol in public places, etc.).
"You are studying here, you are living here” – said K. Dubrovin – “so, please, respect the laws of the Russian Federation and follow them."

Meeting of foreign students with K. S. Dubrovin (Migration Department of Russian Federation in Udmurt Republic)