Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University provides vast opportunities to improve health. Health services for students and employees are provided by the university polyclinic and health center located on campus. International students need to buy the medical insurance, which costs 65 USD/year.

Head of the Student Polyclinic
Natalia Kadrova
Address: 30 let Pobedy str., 30
Tel.: Natalia Kadrova – 58-70-77
Registration office – 58-78-44
Working hours:
- During the academic year (from 01.09 till 30.06) – 8.00 till 19.00 (Monday thru Friday); 8.00 till 19.00 (on Saturday).
- During summer (from 01.07 till 31.08) – 8.00 till 18.00 (Monday thru Friday); Saturday is a day-off.
- Premedical care, primary medical care in therapy, surgery, obstetrics and genecology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, neurology
- Immunization
- Physiotherapy
- Functional diagnostics
- Laboratory diagnostics
- Emergency medical care
- Medical examinations (primary, periodic, preventive)
- Medical assessments

Chief Doctor
Elena Aleksandrova
Address: 50 let VLKSM Str., 59
Tel.: +7 (3412) 77-24-97
Email: sanprof@istu.ru
The Health Center of Kalashnikov ISTU is located on campus near the swimming pool and stadium.
The aims
- Providing preventive medical and, if necessary, consultation and diagnostic assistance;
- Improving health of students, teachers and staff members of the university; forming healthy life style – reasonable combination of studies and work, rest and treatment, rational nutrition, preventive care of various diseases and bad habits.
The main treatment methods
- Instrumental physiotherapy
- Inhalation therapy
- Massage
- Therapeutic physical fitness
- Phytotherapy (herbal treatment)
- Therapeutic showers
The Health Center offers health resort treatment for students during 21 days.
The treatment covers:
- Therapeutic program: physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, pharmaceutical treatment (medications in the form of pills and injections)
- 4-time-a-day dietary nutrition
- Accommodation: block system with two comfortable 2-bed rooms in one block
The students will have consultations of therapist-gastroenterologist, neurologist.
The program of health improvement and correction of conditions of vertebral column and joints (dry traction with a special device) has been developed and introduced. The students can also attend the swimming pool.
- Details
Last Updated on Thursday, 26 March 2020 14:33