International students of Kalashnikov ISTU returned from Eurasian Economic Forum of the Youth

ekaterinburg-0On 19-21 April the representatives of the Association of International Students (AIS) of Udmurt Republic and Students’ International Club of Kalashnikov ISTU participated in IX Eurasian Economic Forum of the Youth «Russia and the Regions of the World: Embodiment of Ideas and Economy of Opportunities».


Kalashnikov ISTU will host an open lecture of George Held

heldOn April 19 Kalashnikov ISTU will host an open lecture of George Held – an international expert in digitalization, Vice-President for Digital and New Business Development in «Beeline».


Chinese online

Institute of International Study Programs informs that in the period 04.07 – 17.07.2021 Sichuan University (China) organizes a short summer online program in English for students wishing to study the Chinese language and culture (the knowledge of Chinese is not required). The participation is free of charge. Application submission: 01.04.2021 – 30.05.2021.


International students of Kalashnikov ISTU took part in futsal competitions

Football-0On February 25 XIII Republican Championship in Futsal among national and cultural unions of Udmurt Republic dedicated to the memory of Aleksandr Volkov, the First President of UR took place with the support of the Ministry of National Policy of Udmurt Republic and House of Peoples’ Friendship.


The branch of Association of Foreign Students of Russia is established in Udmurtia



On February 19 the meeting of international students of Udmurt Republic was arranged. The aim was to make the decision on establishing the branch of Association of Foreign Students of Russia (AIS) in the Republic. The event was initiated by Kalashnikov ISTU.


Gratitude from the Association of Foreign Students of Russia

aisOn behalf of its President Adu Yao Nikez, the Association of Foreign Students of Russia (AIS) expressed its gratitude to Tatiana Savchenko, Director of the Center of International Academic Cooperation for collaboration and participation in the meeting on the issues of mutually beneficial cooperation between AIS and Russian universities.


Three ISTU teams in semifinals of International Collegiate Programming Contest

icpc-acmThree teams of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University qualified for semifinals of International Collegiate Programming Contest (Ural region).


4 students of Kalashnikov ISTU are taking part in the finals of National Championship in WorldSkills

worldskills-00On 1 – 7 December the Finals of National Interuniversity Championship «Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia)» will take place. As a result of coronavirus infection, the championship is arranged in online/in-person format.


Institute of Digital Economy: on the sixth technological paradigm


On November 26 the Institute of Digital Economy hosted the online International Scientific-Practical Conference «The Sixth Technological Paradigm: Challenges of Our Time».


Kalashnikov ISTU: quality mark

iso-01iso-1Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University has passed the inspection audit of Quality Management System (QMS) again and got the certificate of conformity to the requirements of GOST ISO (ISO 9001:2015).


Academic year 2020/2021 was solemnly opened

1-sent-0On September 1 the campus of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University was finally occupied by students. This moment everybody had been waiting for so long!


Kalashnikov ISTU in the international ranking ARES-2019

aresEuropean Scientific-Industrial Chamber published the international ranking ARES-2019. Only 198 Russian universities were able to get into the published part of this prestigious international ranking, including Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University. Our university took the 61st position in BBB category – «Reliable quality of education, scientific activity and employability of graduates» (Good quality performance).


The day of the native language at Kalashnikov ISTU

native-languageOn February 21 the whole world celebrated International Day of Native Languages. For each human – a native language is the subject of special importance and our university with over 300 international students from over 40 countries also celebrates this day.


Guest from Brno University of Technology

Guest-from-Brno-0In February V.A. Shumilov Institute of Construction and Architecture welcomed one more guest – Prof. Rudolf Hela from Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic.


The work is recommended for defense

Karpova-0The successful graduate of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University Ekaterina Karpova is already a 4-year PhD student of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania). Her thesis prepared for defense for seeking the scientific degree of candidate of sciences is practically ready. The topic – «Influence of carbon nanotubes onto the structure of cement-based materials» – is a perspective area and the defense is expected quite soon.


Gintautas Skripkiūnas is our guest

Skripkiгnas-0In the framework of Cooperation Agreement between two universities Prof. Gintautas Skripkiūnas from the Institute of Constructional Materials of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania) paid a working visit to Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University.


Associate Professor of Kalashnikov ISTU – Honored Economist of the Udmurt Republic

Economist-0On February 8 the solemn meeting dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the foundation of Federal Treasury of the Udmurt Republic took place in the state National Theater of the Udmurt Republic.


Victory of PhD student of Kalashnikov ISTU at international conference

perm-1Perm National Research Polytechnic University hosted III International conference of young researchers, postgraduate and undergraduate students «Electro-physical machining methods in modern industry. Special issue: additive technologies».