Russian Language Summer School for foreign students finished at Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

007 1-13August 11: in the solemn ceremony the students received certificates on passing the course of the Russian language. From 25 July to 11 August, eight students from Slovakia and a visitor from Iran studied the «great and mighty Russian language». The curriculum of the school «Russian language for everybody» contained 40 contact hours. Speaking and writing course, grammar and speech also were included. Let us point out that the school opened its doors for foreigners for the second year, consecutively.


Kalashnikov ISTU in the rankings of research activities of Russian universities

26 logoInternational information group “Interfax” has presented the rating results of the research activities of Russian universities in the framework of National Rankings of Universities-2016.


ISTU + ERU: first graduation of bachelors

03-img-04In the end of June the first graduation of bachelors from Egyptian-Russian University (ERU) will take place at Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University. 27 Egyptian students will defend graduation qualification works and will be issued two diplomas – of Kalashnikov ISTU and ERU.


Visit of partners from Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava to Kalashnikov ISTU

030-1-7On 20 May Prof. Boris Yakimovich, Rector of Kalashnikov ISTU and our university representatives welcomed the colleagues from Slovak Republic.

The guests from Slovakia – Prof. Pavol Božek and Ing. Branislav Bako, PhD student (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava), our university was represented by the Rectorate, Department of International Education and Cooperation, Economic Engineering Faculty – Institute of Economics, Management and Finance, and Faculty of Quality Management – Department of Mechatronic Systems.


Izhevsk – Brno: conversation without interpreters

17-img-04On May 16 Prof. Boris Yakimovich, Rector of Kalashnikov ISTU had the meeting with the delegation from South Moravian Center for International Mobility (JCMM, Brno, Czech Republic): Miloš Šifalda, Director, Iveta Kumstátová and Ivo Hopp, Project Managers, and Hana Lejskeová, Czech Language Teacher.


Attractive electroplating process – focus on chemical nickel plating

009-1-11On 21 April Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University hosted the scientific-practical workshop «Modern electroplating technologies of Atotech GmbH. Equipment and treatment of sewage water. Training of human resources» in the Center of Surface Processing Technologies of Kalashnikov ISTU.


Kalashnikov ISTU is hosting the workshop in modern electroplating technologies

On 21 April Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University is hosting scientific-practical workshop «Modern electroplating technologies of Atotech GmbH. Equipment and treatment of sewage water. Training of human resources» in the Center of Surface Processing Technologies of Kalashnikov ISTU together with LLC «Atotech-Chemeta».


«Rübig Engineering» – our new partner

066 1-3On March 03 Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University was visited by Thomas Müller, General Manager of Rübig Engineering (Austria). The aim of the visit – to get acquainted with the university and establish contacts in education and research & development. Moreover, Rübig Engineering has extensive experience in cooperation with Austrian universities, for instance, our partner – University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Wels campus.


Partner universities discussed new cooperation areas online

1-236On December 7 Economic Engineering Faculty of Kalashnikov ISTU conducted webinar «Seeking the ways of collaboration between partner universities in globalization» with partners from Hungary and Slovak Republic.


Students of Kalashnikov ISTU at the forum of young leaders in international education

22 img01On December 10-13 two students of our university took a unique opportunity – to participate in I National Forum of Young Leaders in International Education «Community» under the auspices of Tyumen State University.


Kalashnikov ISTU in university ranking ARES-2015

05 logoEuropean Scientific-Industrial Chamber published Academic Ranking of World Universities –European Standard ARES-2015, in which Kalashnikov ISTU got the 50th position among 100 Russian universities. Our university is among the universities with BB+ ranking, which indicates reliable quality of teaching and research, and employability of graduates.


German students will study at Faculty of Heat Engineering

German students will study at Faculty of Heat EngineeringOn September 19-23, 2015 Izhevsk and Kalashnikov ISTU hosted German lecturers Ezzo Hady Youssrey Sayed, Ilona Palmer and eight students from Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences. The visit of German delegation was arranged in the frameworks of academic mobility program between the two universities. The main aim of the stay was to get acquainted with our university, opportunities and conditions of studies on the double degree program which is successfully implemented at Faculty of Heat Engineering.


Students from Ghana will study at Kalashnikov ISTU

Students from Ghana will study at Kalashnikov ISTUOn June 18, a meeting with the businessman from Republic of Ghana, CEO of East Star SAK Consultancy Services (Accra), Mr. Atsu Kpewu took place in Kalashnikov ISTU.


Technological Center of National Instruments was opened at Kalashnikov ISTU

On June 16 the Research and Educational Center of National Instruments – one of the world leaders in developing virtual instruments – was openedat the Faculty of Instrumentation Engineering of Kalashnikov ISTU.

The Technological Center of National Instruments will host undergraduate and postgraduate students, academic and research staff of Kalashnikov ISTU and other universities of the Udmurt Republic, representatives of profile enterprises of the Udmurt Republic in LabVIEW medium and application of hardware by official authorized programs and courses of National Instruments.


Delegation of Brest Region at Kalashnikov ISTU

Delegation of Brest Region at Kalashnikov ISTUOn June 11 the guests from Republic of Belarus visited Kalashnikov ISTU – Chairman of Brest City Council Aleksandr Rogachuk and Chairman of Economic Committee of Brest Regional Council Leonid Martynyuk.

The visit of Belarusian delegation to our university was in the program of the official visit of representatives of Brest Region to the Udmurt Republic. The Delegation of Brest Region headed by Chairman of City Council Aleksandr Rogachuk arrived on June 10. The main goal of the visit was the strengthening of collaboration between regions and also acquaintance with economic and cultural potential of Udmurtia.


National Polytechnic University of Armenia is a new partner of Kalashnikov ISTU

National Polytechnic University of Armenia is a new partner of Kalashnikov ISTUOn May 26 Rector of National Polytechnic University of Armenia Prof. Oganes Tokmadjan and Rector of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University Prof. Boris Yakimovich signed the agreement of cooperation in the field of education and research.

The main goal of the agreement is to establish official relations between two universities, mutual collaboration and exchange of academic and scientific programs. This will encourage improving of education quality, efficiency of research and development of international relations


Kalashnikov ISTU in Russian university rankings in 2015

Kalashnikov ISTU is again among one hundred top Russian universities according to ranking agency RAEX (Expert RA): our university took the 69th position.

Ranking agency RAEX with the initiative and support from Foundation of Oleg Deripaska “Volnoe Delo” worked out the fourth annual ranking of Russian universities. The agency applied to complex research and used statistic factors, as well as a lot of interviews with 17,400 respondents: employers, representatives of academic and scientific pools, students and graduates.


Kalashnikov ISTU in NEERC ranking: 12 place

The season 2014/2015 of sport programming ACMICPC has finished. As tradition demands, in accordance with team's results, ranking of higher educational institutions was formed. The ranking represented North East European region, to which Kalashnikov ISTU belongs.


New partners of Kalashnikov ISTU: from China to Uzbekistan

New partners of Kalashnikov ISTU: from China to UzbekistanDelegation of Kalashnikov ISTU visited technical universities of Shanghai, Nanjing and Tashkent.

On May 14-15 the conference of Association of Sino-Russian Technical Universities (ASRTU) took place in Shanghai. It was hosted by Tongji University, one of the oldest universities in China, which is among top 100 leading universities of the world.

According to the Statute of ASRTU, permanent directorates are formed on the basis of Association from both sides: these are Harbin Institute of Technology in China and Bauman Moscow State Technical University in Russia). Since 2013, the headquarters of ASRTU have been located in Quingdao, the under-construction “Blue Silicon Valley” of China. Today ASRTU comprises 36 leading Russian and Chinese technical universities and 4 universities –associate members.