About Russia in Russian language

International students of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University speak about their first impressions in Russia, about new Russian friends, about Izhevsk and how it is to learn the Russian language.


The first international New Year’s dancing performance in the House of People’s Friendship


The most striking and touching event of the year – the international New Year’s dancing performance – was held in the House of People’s Friendship on January 10. The guests of the festive event were representatives of national and cultural associations of the Udmurt Republic, as well as foreign students of Izhevsk universities.


From Germany with new knowledge and impressions

Ostfalia-08 students of the Institute of Power Engineering and Housing & Utility Infrastructure of Kalashnikov ISTU returned from 6-day internship in Germany with new knowledge and a lot of impressions.


Conference in Brno

Brno-0On 5 December Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic) hosted VII international conference on binding compositions and materials. Prof. Grigory Yakovlev, Head of the Department of Construction Materials, Mechanization and Geo-Engineering took part in the conference.


IV International Scientific Conference «Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry»

Ostrava-0From 1 till 7 December Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic) hosted IV International Scientific Conference «Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry», which gathered scientists from Czech Republic, Russia, Poland, China, Belarus, Slovakia and other countries.


International Conference in Poland

Poland-0Dr. Yury Karavaev, Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Mechatronic Systems of Kalashnikov ISTU took part in XV International Conference «Dynamical Systems – Theory and Application” (DSTA 2019) in Lodz, Poland with the presentation entitled «Spherical robot dynamics at periodical controlling effects and fluctuations of the underlying surface». These researches are conducted in the frameworks of research project «Dynamics of mobile robotic systems under the action of variable dissipative forces» supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project supervisor – Dr. Yury Karavaev).


Seven study programs of Kalashnikov ISTU are the best in Russia

logo-luchsh-obraz-progrThe results of the expert voting in the frameworks of VII stage of Russian project «The best study programs of innovative Russia» have been finalized.


PhD student of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University took part in the international conference in Finland

Finland-Kaisina-1XXV International Conference «FRUCT» was held in Finland (Helsinki) from 5 to 8 November. FRUCT is an independent open innovation association known for its educational and research activities aimed at improving the innovation ecosystem of Russia and Finland, the competitiveness of PhD students and development of cooperation between universities and industry research groups.


Russian language – as the language of future profession

rus-jazForeign students studying at the Department «Russian as a foreign language» started learning Russian language as the language of their future profession in October.


ERU – Kalashnikov ISTU: 13 years of successful cooperation

ERU-1International collaboration between Kalashnikov ISTU and Egyptian-Russian University (ERU) started in 2006 and today it includes several interesting and perspective areas:   exchange in research, active participation of students and teachers in study process, joint scientific activities and internships.


Students of Kalashnikov ISTU returned from Germany with double diplomas!

Ostfalia-1For over ten years the Institute of Power Engineering and Housing & Utility Infrastructure of Kalashnikov ISTU has been cooperating with Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences (Germany). For this period of time 21 Izhevsk students have completed the bi-national double diploma program.


A working visit to Brno University of Technology

Yakovlev-Brno-1Prof. Grigory Yakovlev, the Head of Department of Constructional Materials, Mechanization and Geo-Engineering visited Brno University of Technology.


«Everything is possible!»

Pecs-1The first agreement on cooperation between Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University and one of the oldest European universities – University of Pécs was signed in 1998. The long-term partnership has been strengthened: the academic mobility programs are in progress and Prof. Jozsef Orban, our first Doctor Honoris Causa, is a frequent and welcomed guest at ISTU.


Delegation of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University visited Egyptian-Russian University

Egyptian-Russian-University-01On October 8, the delegation of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University consisting of the Senior Vice-Rector Dr. Alexander Gubert and Director of the Institute of International Study Programs Dr. Alexey Ryabchikov visited Egyptian-Russian University (Egypt).


The team of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University at the European Congress in Minsk

minsk-EAEC-2019-1The most important event in the field of automotive industry in Europe – XVI European automobile Congress (EAEC-2019), organized by our long-term partner Belarusian National Technical University with the support of the Academic Automobile Association was hosted by the National Library of Belarus from 7 to 10 October.


Entrepreneurs from China visited Kalashnikov ISTU

China-visit-1-On 25th of September the delegation from the city of Xi’an (China) consisted of 12 people visited Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University (ISTU). The visit was organized within the framework of RCYBI (Russian-Chinese Youth Business Incubator) – a unique acceleration program designed to bring Russian projects to foreign markets and attract foreign investments into the Russian economy.


Student of Kalashnikov ISTU is one of the winners of the Open international Olympiad in Mathematics

Konstantin-KhitrinThe Super Final of the Open International Student Internet Olympiad in Mathematics took place at Ariel University (Israel) on the 23rd of September.


Senior Vice-Rector of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University – a member of VIII Forum of Rectors of Russian and Japanese Universities

First-Vice-1On 23rd of September VIII Forum of Rectors of Russian and Japanese Universities was opened at Lomonosov Moscow State University.


Learn Chinese and improve English

Nargiza Shaibakova, master student of V.A. Shumilov Institute of Construction and Architecture happily told us about her Chinese experience.


On the Youth Forum Volga-Yangtze

The student of the Faculty of Instrumentation Engineering and Head of Backstage media center Alexandra Koneva participated in VI Russian-Chinese Youth Forum «Volga-Yangtze».