Master in artificial intelligence? Now available at Kalashnikov ISTU!

According to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education 83 master programs in artificial intelligence will be launched in the coming academic year in Russia. Our university will be one of the first Russian HEIs where master students will start their studies in this area.


Russian language with eyes of foreigners

russian-language-day-1On June 6 international students of Kalashnikov ISTU celebrated the Russian Language Day.


Cooperation agreement between Kalashnikov ISTU and Jilin Institute of Chemistry and Technology of China


ISTU-Jilin-00On June 2 Kalashnikov ISTU signed the cooperation agreement with Jilin Institute of Chemistry and Technology (JICT) (People’s Republic of China) aimed at the development of mutually beneficial international cooperation in the field of development and promotion of joint study programs and realization of research projects.


Delegation of Branch of Association of International Students of Udmurt Republic at All-Russian Congress of AIS of Russia

Congress-AIS-Russia-0On May 25-28 RUDN University hosted X All-Russian Congress of Association of International Students of Russia «Contribution of AIS of Russia to the Development of Youth Diplomacy in International Students’ Environment: Modern Challenges. Opportunities. Perspectives» supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia.


Literary translation «From a word to an action» («No sooner said than done»)

Literary-translation-0On May 14 the participants and winners of I Annual international Contest of Literary Translation «From a word to an action» were officially awarded in the National Library of the Udmurt Republic.


Online meeting: Kalashnikov ISTU and Jinan Zhishang Education Group


Online-ISTU-Zhishang-0In April Kalashnikov ISTU signed the Cooperation Agreement with Chinese Zhishang Education Group, Jinan, Shandong Province.


Eurasian Economic Youth Forum in Yekaterinburg

Eurasian-Forum-0On April 19-21 Ural State University of Economics hosted IX Eurasian Economic Youth Forum «Russia and Regions of the World: Realization of Ideas and Economics of Opportunities».


About the history of ISTU-IMI to students

history-ISTU-IMI-0In the jubilee academic year of ISTU-IMI when our university is celebrating its 70th anniversary, the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language arranged a very informative week for its students. The week was entitled «ISTU and Mikhail Kalashnikov: History and Interesting Facts». The students read texts about the history of Izhevsk and ISTU, they found out a lot about the monuments and objects d’art of the university campus and watched the film about the legendary armorer.


Foreign students wrote «Total dictation» at Kalashnikov ISTU

total-dictation-0On April 9 international students of Kalashnikov ISTU and Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy took part in the test «TruD-2022» in the frameworks of the All-Russian educational event «Total dictation». This is a new type of dictation developed specially for foreigners studying Russian.


Kalashnikov ISTU signed cooperation agreements with the counterparts from China

china-00On April 7 the ceremony of signing the Cooperation Agreement between Kalashnikov ISTU and Jinan Zhishang Education Group (People’s Republic of China) took place in the conference room of building 1 of Kalashnikov ISTU. The partnership is aimed at the development of mutually beneficial collaboration on the international market of educational services.


International students of Kalashnikov ISTU celebrated Navruz

navruz-2022On March 22 the celebration of Navruz took place at Korolenko Glazov State Pedagogical Institute in the frameworks of the events of the branch of Association of Foreign Students of Udmurt Republic.


Solemn sitting of Senate

uch-sovet-2022-02-1The solemn sitting of Senate took place in Integral on February 22, in the day of the 70th anniversary of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University. Unfortunately, epidemiologic restrictions imposed limits and it was impossible to gather as many people as before. But those who wished could watch the event online.


Rector’s reception of foreign delegations

Rectors-reception-1On February 21 the rector’s reception of foreign partners and representatives of Association of International Students of Russia was arranged in the frameworks of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Kalashnikov ISTU.


Project of Kalashnikov ISTU – among 100 best goods of Russia

sto-tovarov-2sto-tovarov-4The ceremony of awarding the organizations – winners of All-Russian contest «100 best goods of Russia» took place in the Udmurt Republic. The contest «100 best goods of Russia» has been held since 1998 and it is one of most prestigious in the field of quality in the Russian Federation.

The English-taught program of our university «Civil Engineering» realized by the Institute of International Study Programs became a laureate!




Fall semester for the students of Egyptian-Russian University at Kalashnikov ISTU

eru-0From October 25 onwards 19 students in double degree bachelor programs «Mechatronics and robotics» and «Info-communication technologies» of Egyptian-Russian University have started their studies at Kalashnikov ISTU.


ISTU students – participants of the roundtable discussion «Life in another country»

krugl-stol-udm-0The roundtable discussion «Life in another country: possibilities to secure oneself and adaptation to new realities» took place on September 9.


ISTU academics took part in the Japanese conference

istu-japan-konfYury Karavaev, a senior research fellow of the Laboratory of Mobile Systems and Associate Professor of the Department of Mechatronic Systems (presentation «Rolling resistance model and control of spherical robot»), and Kirill Efremov, a junior research fellow of the Laboratory of Mobile Systems (presentation «Experimental investigations of the controlled motion of the Roller Racer robot») participated in the conference «Clawar – Climbing and Walking Robots» (Japan).


The team of ISTU programmers – a participant of the IT world cup


The team of Kalashnikov ISTU programmers will take part in the finals of the most prestigious world cup in programming among student teams – International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), which will take place in Moscow on October 01-06. 


Cooperation with Czech Republic goes on

ChytilovaOn July 06 Ekaterina Chytilová, a lecturer of the Management Department of Moravian Business College Olomouc (Czech Republic) visited our university with a work visit. Ekaterina is a graduate of ISTU, she finished PhD studies at Brno University of Technology and has been working for 10 years already at Moravian Business College Olomouc, which is our long-stranding partner.